“FASD is a spectrum of neurological, behavioral and cognitive deficits that interfere with growth, learning and socialization caused by maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy.  The spectrum of alcohol-related birth defects is broad, with individuals potentially having cognitive or learning deficits, visual problems and/or higher than normal pain tolerance.  People with FASD have the ability to learn, when assisting the person with FASD, discover what helps them learn and to help them enjoy the learning process. They may have many difficulties and challenges in their lives, it is important to encourage them to work to their potential, and make them aware of their strengths and talents.”

There are five keys to working successfully with campers with FASD:

  • Structure: lack internal structure, so need as much external structure as possible

  • Consistency: be consistent in responses

  • Variety: use a variety of ways to keep their attention

  • Brevity: brief with instructions and directions

  • Persistence: repeat, repeat, repeat what you want them to learn